

The English curriculum of the Northern Valley Regional High School District attempts to develop the reading, writing, and researching skills of all of the district’s students through in-depth study of great literature and frequent writing practice. Students will read to develop a sense of personal identity and empathy by reading diverse texts that act as both "windows" and "mirrors" to their own and others' experiences in the world.


Following each English course title is a number indicating the course's credit value. For example, (1) equals a full-year course; (1/2) equals a semester course.

Honors and Advanced Placement classes have been instituted as integral parts of our academic program. Honors courses that have more rigorous expectations are intended to prepare the student for the Advanced Placement Program. The term "Advanced Placement" is given to a college-level course, the content of which is guided by the recommended course description of the Advanced Placement Program of the College Entrance Examination Board. 


In addition to courses described above, students may elect one or more of the following courses. Credit will be given for these courses, but they will not satisfy graduation requirements.